It’s not just a box anymore. From smart cash drawers (no printer required) to standard options, choose from a variety of integrated and secure money management options right for your organization.
Cash Drawer Options
Cash Drawer Primary vendors
Expedite service and streamline staff training with easy to use and learn touch button-based application sales processing screens. Choose from a variety of Vermont System tested and approved systems.
Touch Screen Options
Touch Screen Primary Vendors
Save time and create a great user experience – barcode readers provide direct access to patron ID cards, key fobs, gift cards, and item UPC codes throughout Vermont System applications.
Barcode Reader Options
Create a personalized experience and add value to your offerings and services with custom digital photo ID Cards.
Full color and monochrome ribbon options from:
Exceed patron expectations with advanced receipts at concessions, pro shops, restaurants, or other sales points, or create kitchen dupes for order processing.
Receipt Printer Options:
Receipt Printer Primary Vendors:
Skip the cash and take card payments just like your community expects. A full range of encrypted, EMV certified credit card hardware devices are available through our Gateway processing partners.
Credit Card Reader Options:
Gateway partners provide the specific hardware makes and models required.
Magstripe Reader Partners: IDTech and MagTech
EMV Device Partners: Ingenico and Verifone
Lease Options:
Take advantage of Vermont Systems leasing program and get the card-reader hardware you need to get started in the most easy-to-manage way possible.
From inexpensive, small form factor POS workstations to full featured enterprise class servers, we’ll help you get the ideal devices for your operations.
Workstation Options:
Turn your Apple or Android devices into Enterprise ready mobile units for access and inputs anywhere.
Mobile Solution Options:
In addition to all of those listed we offer a wide range of additional hardware options that integrate with your Vermont Systems solutions to meet your needs including: