Get Out of the Maintenance Rut and Start Driving Value for Your Team

Everyone depends on technology, which means they depend on you. But are you delivering maximum value with your solutions or just maintaining the offer provided? Implementing the ideal solution for your organization is paramount. You know the value of local servers … and the limitations. It’s becoming clear that cloud hosting is the direction the software industry is going. In fact, according to research giant Gartner, “almost 50% of US government organizations are actively using cloud services.” The advantages are pretty clear:

– Meet Spikes In Demand. Cloud-hosted solutions spread event loads across multiple servers to ensure seamless service.

– Enable Next-Generation Communication and Workforce. Cloud hosting enables users to access and operate the system anywhere they have an internet connection.

– Reduce Maintenance Costs and Time. Cloud hosting takes many maintenance tasks out of the organization and places them with a dedicated team.

– Minimize Risk Factors. Leverage the security resources of a much larger organization without the cost.

– Budget to Your Needs. Cloud-hosted solutions can appear in budgets as a monthly recurring cost (a service) and not a large capital expense (purchase of a server).


IT Takes the Wheel

Getting your organization moved to cloud hosting elevates you out of the maintenance business and positions you and your department as leaders within the organization. Ultimately that benefits everyone involved: your organization, your team specifically, and the community you serve. Here’s what you need to know about the Vermont Systems Cloud Hosting solution.

Minimize Risk Factors with Full Redundant Hosting Services
All VM services are hosted in a private cloud. VSI owns and manages redundant servers and communications devices that are installed at its Eastern and Western data centers. These systems are operational on a 24/7/365 basis and insulate your solution and data from any number of disruptions including weather, water, etc. Additionally, the facilities have received a Green Building Council Silver Certification (Leed Silver) and other certifications.

Offload Maintenance and Upgrades
Ensure uptime and your calendar integrity with automatic updates, regular backups, recovery and maintenance performed by Vermont Systems staff. Additionally, monthly Internal/External Vulnerability Scans both data centers provided by Trustwave ensure that your security is up to date and as current as possible. If the unthinkable were to happen, alternate URL’s will be provided to customers in case a Disaster Recovery event occurs.

Upgrade Security with SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Certificate
You can overestimate the value of the trust your community places in you when they interact with your systems. Make sure you live up to their expectations with appropriate security cues, such as the SSL Certificate for the hosting servers that Vermont Systems delivers.

Cover your bases with Cyber Liability Insurance and Advanced Fire Walls
It’s impossible to plan for everything, but you can be prepared. That’s why Vermont Systems is covered by Cyber Liability Insurance, as listed with limits in Exhibit C, and configures and maintains firewalls for the hosting servers. 


Sunny Days Ahead with Cloud Hosting

The advantages of cloud hosting are clear for you and your organization. As one customer said:

 “As one department in a large city, server space became a problem for our IT department. Our CTO decided to have the Parks and Recreation Department moved over to the Vermont Systems hosting service to alleviate this problem. The benefit has been all ours! The biggest advantage has been that Vermont Systems is able to work on our real data when we have an issue thus servicing our tickets at a much faster rate,” Rhonda Berg, Fort Wayne, Indiana.

So what are your next steps? First, make sure that the rest of your team and organization understand the benefits they’ll receive. You can use this checklist or refer them to this blog post or video. 

Second, make sure that you have the information you need to plan the migration process. If you have questions or are ready to start now, contact [email protected] to start driving the value of the cloud for your organization and patrons. 

Get the Cloud Hosting Checklist