Parks and Rec departments face a number of challenges. People look to parks for fun without breaking the budget. For that reason, parks have to be both responsive to the public and conscious of their budget.
Parks and Rec departments face a number of challenges. People look to parks for fun without breaking the budget. For that reason, parks have to be both responsive to the public and conscious of their budget.
Bend, Oregon is a rapidly growing town of approximately a hundred thousand outdoor and active people. Hear how Vermont Systems RecTrac has become a veritable "Swiss army knife" for the needs of the community and associates at the Bend Park and Recreation District.
Without a doubt, 2020 was a year that caused everyone an initial pause, followed in many cases by furious action.
Vermont Systems makes connecting with your community anywhere second nature. And while you’re building your brand with customized user-friendly interfaces, you’ll also be leading your organization forward in real-time through a single source of information.